WLHC plans to be open all day on Thursday, 2/6/2025. If the snow will be keeping you at home, please call us at 603-431-6677 (our phones turn on at 9:00 am) or text your reply (through the online check-in text) if you would like to know if your appointment can be changed to Telehealth or if you would like to reschedule to another day.
Mask Policy Change 1/23/2025
Whole Life Health Care is changing our masking policy, effective January 22, 2025, to ensure the safety of our employees and patients. We have been advised that our community has now reached a high level of respiratory virus activity.
The changes you will see are as follows:
- Providers and nurses will wear a facility-issued face mask during direct interactions with patients. Direct interactions are those in patient rooms and other clinical care areas.
- Support Staff will wear a facility-issued face masks at the check-in and check-out desks.
- Patients, and those accompanying them, will be strongly encouraged, but not required, to wear a facility-issued face mask during direct interactions with staff. If you choose to mask, we ask that you wear a WLHC face mask on top of your own N95 respirator or face mask. By wearing one of our masks on top of your mask from home, it helps us know that the mask you are wearing is clean and effective. Masks for adults and children are available at the Handicapped Entrance.
- Masking for patients and visitors is not required in lobbies, waiting rooms, and other common areas, unless you are sick.
As a reminder, please contact WLHC if you meet any of the criteria below before an in-person appointment. We will advise you about next steps.
- Have a fever or other flu-like symptoms
- Have a known exposure to COVID-19 within the last 10 days
- Have a known COVID-19 infection and are in your isolation period
If you have an appointment in-person and meet any of the criteria above, you need to wear one of our masks, regardless of the season or level of respiratory virus in our community. Support persons who meet these criteria should not accompany you to WLHC.
In addition, if you have a fever or other flu-like symptoms, you will be required to take a home COVID-19 test before you will be seen in the office. If you have a known exposure to COVID-19 within the last 10 days, please contact the office regarding testing and your visit.
1/15/25 – our phones are down.
You can email us at info@thewlhc.com or send a portal message to reach us. Patients with appointments today can text us as well.
WLHC Welcomes Shana Levander, APRN
Whole Life Health Care is pleased to announce that Shana Levander, APRN, will begin seeing patients on Thursday, May 16, 2024. Shana is accepting new patients.
Please click here to learn more about our newest provider.
Mask Policy Change
Effective 4/1/24:
- Masks are REQUIRED if:
- You are sick
- You are accompanying someone who is sick
- Have a known exposure to COVID-19 within the last 10 days
- Have a known COVID-19 infection and are in your isolation period
- For anyone who is well, masks are now optional
Masks will be available at the Handicapped Entrance (and the Front Door during the warmer months). If you are sick, or accompanying someone who is sick, please put on a mask as you enter the building and wear it the entire time you are here.
We are still grateful to have weathered this COVID storm with our incredible WLHC family – employees, integrative providers and patients alike!
Here is to good health! Thank you!
WLHC Welcomes Shay Price, Evanesce Hair Removal
Shay is a Licensed Electrologist and also a Registered Nurse at Whole Life Health Care.
As a graduate of the Electrology Institute of New England in Massachusetts, Shay is excited to be able to expand her ability to give care to anyone who is ready to start their journey with electrology; regardless of one’s concerns, goals, or medical issues. No matter your reason for exploring hair removal, Shay is available to answer any questions that you may have.
Shay proudly offers a discrete, clean and relaxing space for all.
For more information on Shay, visit our website
Mask Policy Change Effective 1/2/2024
Whole Life Health Care is changing our masking policy, effective January 2, 2024, to ensure the safety of our employees and patients. We have been advised that our community has now reached a high level of respiratory virus activity.
The changes you will see are as follows:
- Providers and nurses will wear a facility-issued face mask during direct interactions with patients. Direct interactions are those in patient rooms and other clinical care areas.
- Support Staff will wear a facility-issued face masks at the check-in and check-out desks.
- Patients, and those accompanying them, will be strongly encouraged, but not required, to wear a facility-issued face mask during direct interactions with staff. If you choose to mask, we ask that you wear a WLHC face mask on top of your own N95 respirator or face mask. By wearing one of our masks on top of your mask from home, it helps us know that the mask you are wearing is clean and effective. Masks for adults and children are available at the Handicapped Entrance.
- Masking for patients and visitors is not required in lobbies, waiting rooms, and other common areas, unless you are sick.
As a reminder, please contact WLHC if you meet any of the criteria below before an in-person appointment. We will advise you about next steps.
- Have a fever or other flu-like symptoms
- Have a known exposure to COVID-19 within the last 10 days
- Have a known COVID-19 infection and are in your isolation period
If you have an appointment in-person and meet any of the criteria above, you need to wear one of our masks, regardless of the season or level of respiratory virus in our community. Support persons who meet this criteria should not accompany you to WLHC.
In addition, if you have a fever or other flu-like symptoms, you will be required to take a home COVID-19 test before you will be seen in the office. If you have a known exposure to COVID-19 within the last 10 days, please contact the office regarding testing and your visit.
For more details regarding Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19, please see the CDC’s website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/isolation.html
WLHC Welcomes Laura Moore, ND, MSAOM, LAc.
Dr. Moore is a board-certified licensed Naturopathic Doctor, NCCAOM Diplomate Acupuncturist* and Asian Medicine Practitioner.
Additionally, she holds advanced training and certifications in Trauma-informed care, Functional Medicine, Immune Wellness, Oncology Support, Biotherapeutic Drainage, Gerontology & Elder Care, Auricular, Eye, Scalp and Facial Acupuncture. She also holds certifications in advanced energy diagnosis, intuitive healing and sound & vibrational medicine.
See more about Dr. Moore on our website:
WLHC Welcomes Nicole Stratis
Nicole is a Licensed Massage Therapist, practicing Arvigo® Abdominal Massage and Restorative Herbal Massage. She is also about to complete her 2-year program in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and is currently offering free practice sessions to support her education.
Nicole integrates massage, craniosacral, yoga, herbalism, and spirit ignition to help you reweave the connection back to self and your relationships.
See more about Nicole on our website:
NEW Patient Portal App!
Please call the office for all urgent matters.
New App! Did you know you can now manage appointments, send a message and view your test results right on your phone. Download the free athenaPatient mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and log in using the same email and password you use to access our Patient Portal.
How do I login: For those with access to the Patient Portal, you can sign in anytime at https://9362.portal.athenahealth.com/ athena supports Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari on a phone, tablet, laptop or desktop browser.
Please call the office to request access to the portal for the first time.